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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

English speech vol.1

The Morality Of Indonesian After 68 Anniversary

The honorable judges, the commitees and all the participants. Let me introduce myself my name is Latifa Rahmi and i come from MAN 1 model Bandar Lampung.
In the name of ALLAH the most merciful and the most gracious. All praises be to ALLAH swt the lord of the world, the master of the day after and the creator of everything in this universe.
Peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad saw who has brought us from the darkness into the brightness and guided us into the right way of life.
Ladies and gentlemen
What do you think of sixty eight ? is it about seventeen august ? yeah, exactly. Recently our beloved country reached sixty eight in its age. It’s old enough, isn’t it ? It is comparable with the development of Indonesia. Education, religion, technology, economy, socio cultural, politic and don’t forget about the most important aspect that is morality which has developed too far from pancasila’s values. So, I’m here to aim a speech entitled the morality of Indonesian after 68 anniversary.
Ladies and gentlemen
As we all know, for more than 300 years, our country lived under the colonialism and imperialism by other countries. Started by Portuguese, English, Netherlands and Japanese. During the colonialism, our people lived in suffer and poverty. There were no dignity and freedom as the existence of human being.
The culmination of all struggles done by Indonesian happened on Friday, 17th of august 1945. On behalf of all Indonesian, Soekarno hatta proclaimed the independence of Indonesia. The proclamation indicated that a new nation was born. It was the reflection of the unity of Indonesian after for many years sacrificing with tears and blood.
From the history we can say that the old morality of Indonesian is full of struggle, exactly for againsting the colonialism. Although our country had been free now but the struggle of morality is still needed by students in this generation. Why ? because our morality has been degraded in recent years in our country. We can see now, there are lots of teenagersare being involved with the serious cases. Like drug trafficking, raping, thuggery, robbery, free sex and the smales one is smoking. We can everyone now. “is smoking a bad thing for students ?” absolutely they are going to answer, “No, that’s a common.” From this sample i can tell you that the definition of morality is an action, attitude, duty, manner and modesty which have been received by society.
Ladies and gentlemen
Youngsters today have been changed dominantly. from the politeness and honesty, now they have lack of appreciation to parents, a lot of fightings happen among the students and even they forget the meaning of pancasila and proclamation.
Exactly those are not without the reasons
1.      Advance in technology

Technological globalization has a positive impact but we can’t deny anymore that it also has a negative impact for morality. The development and high technology phones sometimes have have a dangerous impact if we can’t use it properly.

2.      Decreasing faith’s quality

How strong one’s faith , sometimes will be having up and down and when the level of one’s faith is declined, it’s potential to open faults. It’s really dangerous for morality.

3.      Environmental influences

Not all people have bad morality and vice versa. Sometimes a person make a mistake because there are bad influences of the surrounding environment. The condition of the environment and the unfavorable influence of other people can encourage a person to make mistakes.

As discussed, there are lots of problems of morality in our country. Actually, they can be avoided by giving religious education early especially by each parent to their children. Because religious education is the best foundation for our life.

Ladies and gentlemen

We can conclude two things from my speech, they are :
1.      Morality is an action, attitude, duty, manner and modesty which have been received by society.
2.      The future of a country depends on the morality. If we want to make our country better, so we have to make our morality better.
Ladies and gentlemen
That is our challenging now. That is our morality for defensing the existence of our nation. Our morality is used to fulfill this independence by working and creating a better life for our society. Our morality is for fighting against corruption, collusion and nepotism. And the last, our morality is for keeping our culture in this globalization era.
Recently, our country had reached 68 anniversary. And absolutely we are as the indonesian want our country better than before. So let’s increase our moral quality to increase our country’s quality in the world sight.
Long life Indonesia, long life Indonesia, long life Indonesia.

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