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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Puisi Modern "Pulang Sekolah"

Pulang Sekolah

Sunyi, sepi, senyap..
hanya suara derasnya hujan yang kadang terdengar seakan mempercepat tenggelamnya sang surya
Dunia pun menjadi jingga karena senja mulai tiba banhkan gelap
Jalanan basah, angin bertiup begitu lembut namun membuat dingin semakin menusuk
Hentakan kaki dari seorang wanita lugu yang berlari dari kejauhan semakin terdengar, memercikkan air, mendekati halte bis

Bingung, panik, menggigil..
Baju seragamnya basah kuyup
Tas kecilnya dipenuhi air
Tak ada seorang pun yang menemaninya menunggu bis di halte itu
Hanya ia sendiri, kebingungan
Jalanan lengang tak ada bis yang melintas

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Speech about education system in indonesia

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for the MC and juries who have given me
opportunity to deliver this English speech.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech entitled “Formal Education
in Indonesia”

Speech about drugs

Good Morning Ladies And Gentlements. Thanks for the chance who has been given to me.
The honorable my English’s Teacher and all the young generation that present here.
Ladies and Gentlements,
Thousands of young men have wasted their lives because of illicit drugs in our country, Indonesia. They were mostly victims of a ‘cruel’ environment, a broken-home family, of ignorance, of curiosity or particularly of the illegal drugs mafia. It is estimated that around 4

Speech about bullying

(Look sad and in pain) My stomach hurts and I have headaches every day. The girls are spreading rumors and telling secrets, and it just doesn’t feel right to me.

Is there something wrong with me? Or am I really what they say I am? Could I be a victim of bullying?

Speech about Indonesian Freedom Proclamation

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable juries and audience.
First of all, let’s say just a moment that we thanks to God for his presence, so we are all allowable to assemble on this moment to attend Indonesian Republic Day Anniversary.

7 langkah cara membaca cepat

1. Rileks
Tubuh dan pikiran yang rileks sebelum membaca akan membantu Anda membaca dengan nyaman dan tanpa tekanan. Kendurkan otot-otot tubuh yang tegang dan buat diri Anda senyaman mungkin sebelum membaca. Hilangkan seluruh kekhawatiran karena buku yang Anda baca terlalu tebal, bahasanya sulit, atau tidak menarik perhatian.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

English speech vol.1

The Morality Of Indonesian After 68 Anniversary

The honorable judges, the commitees and all the participants. Let me introduce myself my name is Latifa Rahmi and i come from MAN 1 model Bandar Lampung.
In the name of ALLAH the most merciful and the most gracious. All praises be to ALLAH swt the lord of the world, the master of the day after and the creator of everything in this universe.